Kirooto Consult International



Kirooto Consults International

Your Guide to Global Opportunities

Welcome to Kirooto Consults International— where we are committed to providing top-notch mentoring and consulting services for individuals— teams and enterprises. Our offerings are designed to cater to diverse needs— ensuring that everyone— from those exploring international studies to large-scale enterprises can benefit from our expertise.

Mentoring Services

Nurturing Dreams

Mentoring Services

FREE Mentoring

Embark on your international journey with our complimentary 30-minute consultation. Ideal for individuals and companies exploring global opportunities— this service offers basic information and resources to kick start your exploration.

Consulting Services

Individual Mentoring

For personalized guidance— our individual service level provides one-on-one consultations. Our expert advisors work with you to create a tailored plan— ensuring you have the support needed to achieve your goals.

Study Abroad

Team Mentoring

Perfect for schools— companies or organizations— our team service level offers collaborative support for groups. Whether it’s study or work abroad programs— we provide guidance to help your team succeed.

top-notch mentoring and consulting services

Enterprise Mentoring

Tailored for large-scale projects— our enterprise service level is ideal for international recruitment or expansion initiatives. Benefit from comprehensive support and strategic planning from our experienced team of consultants.

B2B and B2C Consulting

Bridging Gaps— Building Success

B2C Services

Our focus is on individuals— teams and enterprises— offering intensive career guidance centered around each student’s dream. We believe in helping students reach their goals based on strengths and available resources.

Satisfied Clients


Projects Completed

0 +

Team Members

0 +

Awards Win

B2B2C Consulting

We advise universities— pathway providers and agencies to enhance profitability— build strong partnerships— explore new market frontiers and identify meaningful products and segmentation. We help agencies find the right education partners and optimize processes for client fulfillment.
Pricing Plans

Your Path to Success

Embark on your path to success with our comprehensive pricing plans designed to meet your unique needs. At Kirooto Consults International— we offer a range of mentoring services to guide individuals— teams and enterprises towards their international goals.

Free Mentorship


  • Initial 30-minute consultation via phone or email.
  • Gain basic insights into study and career options— along with networking opportunities.
  • Limited advice on university and course selection.
  • Regrettably— no follow-up support is provided.

Individual Mentorship


  • Initial consultation via phone or email.
  • Receive personalized study and career advice.
  • Choose between "Do It Yourself" mentorship for hands-on involvement or "Do It For Me" with additional application handling costs.
  • Assistance with application and visa processes.
  • Limited follow-up support is included.

Team Mentorship



  • Initial consultation via phone or email.
  • Personalized study and career advice for a group of up to 5 people.
  • Assistance with university and course selection for each team member.
  • Support with application and visa processes for each person.
  • Support with application and visa processes for each person.
  • Follow-up support for every team member.
  • Additional assistance for agencies and entities with various needs.

Enterprise Mentorship

Customized Pricing

  • Initial consultation via phone or email.
  • Benefit from strategic market analysis and product placement support.
  • Receive local and international networking assistance.
  • Outsourcing of internal onboarding requirements.
  • Comprehensive campaign planning— implementation and follow-up.
  • Assessment centers and screening support for large groups.
  • Personalized study and career advice tailored for groups
  • Assistance with university and course selection for group arrangements.
  • Support with application and visa preparation and ongoing assistance.
  • Follow-up support for each individual within the enterprise.
Ready to Transform Your Global Journey?

Connect Kirooto Consults International Today!

Whether you’re an individual exploring international opportunities— a team seeking collaborative support— or an enterprise with large-scale ambitions— we have the expertise to guide you. Take the first step towards success – choose your mentoring level and unlock a world of possibilities.

Embark on Your Global Journey Now! Contact Kirooto Consults International Today!

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